Thursday, March 31, 2011


Hi friends! I'm back in town from my whirlwind 4-day girls weekend and geeze I had a great time!  I just wanted to drop you a couple of photos as a teaser of what's to come from my day of "treasure hunting" or "junking" as I like to call it, LOL.  I hope to get some time to put together the photos for you but for now here are a couple for you viewing pleasure ;)

1 comment:

Leslie Anne Avila said...

Wow, I love both of them! You've got a great eye. There was so much to see. I'm glad that you invited me and got me to do something out of the norm for me.
Yes, took the fam on Sunday. Stopped by to say hi to wanda and John. They are too sweet! Masyn bought a jar of junk fro them for 5 bucks. He scored, because it contained 4 pocket knives and 3 sets of needles ( for me). My son loves that kind of stuff. Seen a couple of new booths but other than that, it was pretty much the same as Saturday. Okay, gotta jam. Yes let's iChat soon. I've started an art journal. We should do it together. Themed weekly.....