Is what Mindy Gledhill is all about, she gave us a private performance at Spark late Friday night out in the Garden at Noah’s and it was pretty chilly out but it was so magical! I bought her album via iTunes a few weeks ago and have been listening to it EVERYDAY and it makes my heart oh so very happy! I feel lucky to have been there to hear her share some of her own inspiring stories. She left me thinking about what dreams I have that I can achieve if I simply set my mind to it. She is such an inspiration, she even gave us a worksheet and had us think about things that we usually don’t think about. She asked us to think about those that have been supportive and then those who maybe have kept us down. You know that we are usually our own worst enemy and so I need to get back to loving myself the way my sweet hubby loves me! I was surrounded by so many amazing and beautiful women at Spark. I would sometimes catch myself wishing that I was as beautiful as they were then I would think about what Mindy said and then I would snap out of it because I am beautiful, well maybe not right after I get up in the morning, lol. I am so glad to have found her thanks to
Rhonna! I couldn’t leave without her autograph and so I bought some of her sheet music and had her sign it and I will most likely use some of it to add to my Spark mini album. I also couldn’t resist buying another copy of her cd so that I could have one to share with someone.
OK, sorry for the long post so I wanted to share the photo that I borrowed from her website and a photo of us together that my Spark Sister Jennifer took of us. I would love to invite you to go and visit Mindy’s site. Simply click HERE and browse her site and you can even listen to her music! She truly is a wonderful young woman with a wonderful heart and a beautiful voice!

This week I will continue to share photos from my Spark adventure and then I plan on finishing up my class projects from Spark and share those with you. Then I plan to get back to creating and sharing, thanks for stopping in. Ciao for now :)
Hi Nancy, it was wonderful meeting you at Spark... You are a beautiful, sweet, giving person that I only spoke to for a bit but I saw it and I'm sure your friends see it too. Spark was magical and I hope and pray there's a Spark 3. Thanks for taking our photo too... LOL
You ARE beautiful my SPARK sister!!! Hee!!! Inside and out :) Thanks so much for shooting a pic of my bestie and I and for sharing it with us. Very sweet and kind of you! I also found myself admiring all the beautiful, well put-together women in that room and wishing I was skinnier or taller or anything but me, but I am what I am and God made me this way and I am blessed beyond belief for I have many wonderful people that have come into my life and I've had amazing experiences. xoxo
agreed!! mindy was a*mazing!! her album 'anchor' is the soundtrack to my life right now! so happy and fun.and i'm pretty sure she couldn't be any cuter!
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