My friend Rozette over at Scrapping Out Loud gifted me two awards, Yeah! My close friends know how addicted I've become to blogging and how excited I get when folks visit and leave comments. So, when Rozette told me she had something for me over at her blog I was super excited! So, what I'm supposed to do now is share 5 of my addictions with you then hand out the awards to 5 of my favorite bloggers. I hope you take the time to go visit Rozette and the other ladies I've listed below as they are all wonderful, creative and sweet ladies! Hope your week is going well, it's almost over! Yeah!
My Five Addictions
1. Blogging
2. Creating
3. Facebook - Silly but finding so many long lost friends!
4. Decorating my craft studio
5. Wii Animal Crossing City Folk - I know, nuts!
And the awards go to.....
Joan Ervin at Stamping with a Passion -Her work is incredible!
Rhonna Farrer at Rhonna Designs - She is a Digital Artist Master! I tell my husband she is a celebrity in the Digital Scrapbooking & Art World. You know, the Celine Dion of digital art, hee hee. Which he quickly responds with "You're a Crafting Dork"! My current blog header is one of her designs that you can get at House of 3.
Daniela Dobson of For the First Time - She makes incredible cards and shares photos of her sweet little boy!
Carol at Meadowsweet Days - Talented Wreath Maker -While visiting her check out her link to view her Conservatory, it's incredible!
Cindy at My Romantic Home - She has some awesome stuff to show you!
Thank you for thinking of me! And thanks for saying I have awesome stuff!!! You know I love my stuff. lol!
Congratulations on your awards! :-)
Hi Nancy..... Oh my goodness, I was so surprised to see my award. It was such a crazy day yesterday, I didn't get a chance to read my comments until this morning! Thank you so much! Happy Valentine's Day!
Thanks sooo much for the awesome awards....you are so sweet!!! Congrats to you, too, Nancy....I love your new blog banner!! It looks soo elegant!!!
*blush blush*
ohhh, you are so sweet!
thanks, darlin'!
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